Can I share with you our Men's Bible study this morning? We're studying the letter of James. Some Christian men made some plans. We found out it was evil and sinful. Oh, not in what they said, but in what they did not say.
Here's what they said.
James 4:13
Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money."
They left their Lord out of their planning. James gives two reasons why it was foolish for these men to leave God out of their plans.
Reason #1:
James 4:14
Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow.
We simply do not have control over our lives. Man cannot control future events. He has neither the wisdom or the power to control the future. For him to boast to that effect is sin; making himself God. (See also Prov. 27:1)
Reason #2:
James 4:14
You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
Life is short. (Read Job 7:6; 14:1-2; Psalm 90:10-12)
We count our years at each birthday, but God tells us to number our days.
Planning and making decisions is not wrong. Sin enters when we leave God our of our decision making and planning.
How then should we respond? "if the Lord wills" (v. 15). It's not so much the statement, but the attitude of the heart. The same plans and decisions can be made by two believers. One can be sinful, and the other not, based upon your desire for God's will to be done.
Not only did these men ignore God's will to be done in their lives, they were actually arrogant in their decision.
James 4:16
But as it is, you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil.
The Word of God says it was evil. Why? In their arrogance they did not acknowledge God. They left Him out. With this context in mind, read the following verse.
James 4:17
Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin. NASU
What's the right thing?
I'm going to continue to share our nuggets with you..."if the Lord wills."
10 years ago
Great topic... Lord willing I will give my humble two bits. I think there are many times where believers(and I am guilty) misconstrue their arrogance as faith.
I think the writer wants us as believers to look past what we are doing and into how/why we are doing it. James also said, "do not just hear the word and so deceive yourself, do what it says."
Faith is simply that, doing what the word says, ie.believe on the Lord, walk in his ways, in all your ways acknowledge him, etc.
Lord willing I hope and pray that I never fail to do what his word says and that I, in my heart plan my ways, but know that God always directs my path.
Good stuff! We will find ourselves inhotwater failing to acknowledge God in "all" our ways. Thanks for stopping by.
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