Thursday, July 30, 2009

Galatians 3 Test

We had fun in our Mens Bible Study this morning. I gave them a test that we worked through during the Galatians study. Thought I would throw it out there for any to see and take. By the way, the Tutor is referred to in Gal. as the Law of Moses.

1. T F Abraham was saved by faith.
2. T F When God gave His Law to Moses 430 years later, the basis of salvation changed.
3. T F Abraham and the others who lived before the law were saved by faith only because they did not have God’s law.
4. T F The covenant with Abraham was conditional. Whereas, the Mosaic covenant was completely unconditional.
5. T F The covenant of Law is long past, but the moral demands of the Law have not diminished.
6. T F Only God’s grace can produce what the Law cannot.
7. T F Unbelievers must know the truth about their state.
8. T F The church must never offend the unbeliever.
9. T F The believers righteousness is actually based on Law.
10. T F Law and Grace cooperate in bringing the lost sinner to Jesus Christ.
11. T F The Law does not make us sinners.
12. T F The Law reveals to us that we already are sinners.
13. T F The Law is a mirror in that it reveals our righteousness.
14. T F There is a lawful use of the Law, and an unlawful use of the Law.
15. T F When people claim they are saved by keeping the Ten Commandments, they are revealing their ignorance of the true meaning of the Law.
16. T F The purpose of the Law is not to condemn but to save.
17. T F Forgiveness of sin means nothing to a person who does not know he is sinful.
18. T F It is pointless to preach grace until the impossible demands of the Law, and the reality of guilt before God, are preached.

19. Q. What does it mean to be kept in custody under the law?
20. Q. How does the Law lead us to Christ?

21. T F Since we are no longer living under the Law, we don’t need a tutor.
22. T F Israel could not see the Tutor, only the Teacher.

23. When did the Tutor’s job end?
a. At the birth of Christ.
b. At the death of Christ.
c. At the resurrection of Christ.
d. At the destruction of the temple in 70 A. D.
e. When I became a believer.
f. None of the above.

24. Why is there no further need for a temple in Jerusalem?
a. It was associated with the Tudor.
b. Its purpose was fulfilled.
c. There’s yet a future need for a temple.
d. All of the above
e. a and b

Answers are in comments below.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Unforgettable Day

Last Saturday Donna and I experienced one of those events we will never forget.

Here are some of the ingredients that made this day positively unforgettable.

1. The baptism of Matt and Rebeckah Wagster.
2. They were baptized on their ranch by Darren Rusco and Christopher Key.
3. A four-wheeling journey to a mountain spring.
4. A steep (and I mean steep) hike down to the waterfall and pool.
5. Wading through the creek to get to the upper pool of spring water.
5. 100 + temp.
6. Many young children watching and having fun.
7. The trek back up the mountain.
8. Tired, sore muscles... the good kind of sore.

Quite a setting for a baptism.
The water felt good on such a hot day.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I find this passage very interesting. The Lord found His 12 apostles worthy. Worthy of what?

Acts 5:41
41 So they went on their way from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name.

It sounds like this was a high suffer shame for Jesus. Here's the shame they suffered.

40 ...and after calling the apostles in, they flogged them and ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and then released them.

The Sanhedrin, most likely, removed their cloths, tied them to a post, and had each of them flogged with 39 lashes with a nine-tale whip like common criminals.

They were counted worthy to experience fellowship with Jesus. The fellowship of His sufferings. After they were commanded by their government not to speak in the name of Jesus, this is what they did.

42 And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.

What a high honor.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Why Arn't We Crying Out To God?

A few weeks ago we looked at this prayer of the church.
Acts 4:29-30 29 "And now, Lord, take note of their threats, and grant that Your bond-servants may speak Your word with all confidence, (boldness) 30 while You extend Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders take place through the name of Your holy servant Jesus."

They cried for boldness in their witness.
They cried for God's hand to be extended to heal.
They cried for God to perform signs and wonders.

They were not just "open" to these things, they greatly desired them. They prayed for them to come. All of these things come from God's hand. When was the last time you cried out to God for these things?

WHY DID THEY CRY OUT TO GOD FOR THESE THINGS? Let's face it, this was the generation that had more compelling evidence of the truth of the resurrection than any generation since. Hundreds of eyewitnesses to the risen Lord were in Jerusalem.

This was the generation of believers whose preaching was more anointed than any other generation to follow…Peter, Stephan, Paul, Barnabas…

Why did this generation feel such a passion to see God stretch forth his hand to heal and do signs and wonders among them? Why did they ask for boldness? One reason is none of these come from within the believer. Boldness is not normal. It comes from God. Why aren't we asking for these things?

Here's why the first century church were. The answers are found in Acts 5:12-14.

1. Unity (12)
12 At the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were taking place among the people; and they were all with one accord in Solomon's portico.

When God moves among a group, it brings people together…in unity and love and awe. The “they” is referring to the church.

13 But none of the rest dared to associate with them (the church); however, the people held them in high esteem.

Why did the people dare not associate with them?
11 And great fear came over the whole church, and over all who heard of these things.

There were no insincere, superficial followers in this church after the death of Ananias and Sapphira. The people feared the deadly potential of joining the church.

But the Christians were held in high esteem.

They cried for boldness in their witness.
They cried for God's hand to be extended to heal.
They cried for God to perform signs and wonders.

Q. Why?

2. To Help People Come To Saving Faith (14)
14 And all the more believers in the Lord, multitudes of men and women, were constantly added to their number,

Why aren't we crying out to God for these things?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cedillo's in Mexico

Thought I would share with you a video that Darren and Christopher asked me to put together for the Sunday morning worship service. Benito is translating the Scripture into their heart language. It's really cool that PRBC has a part of this ministry. You really get a little of the flavor of their gathering time together. Just think, we'll be worshiping with these folks from time to time throughout eternity...Can you sing their song?