We had fun in our Mens Bible Study this morning. I gave them a test that we worked through during the Galatians study. Thought I would throw it out there for any to see and take. By the way, the Tutor is referred to in Gal. as the Law of Moses.
1. T F Abraham was saved by faith.
2. T F When God gave His Law to Moses 430 years later, the basis of salvation changed.
3. T F Abraham and the others who lived before the law were saved by faith only because they did not have God’s law.
4. T F The covenant with Abraham was conditional. Whereas, the Mosaic covenant was completely unconditional.
5. T F The covenant of Law is long past, but the moral demands of the Law have not diminished.
6. T F Only God’s grace can produce what the Law cannot.
7. T F Unbelievers must know the truth about their state.
8. T F The church must never offend the unbeliever.
9. T F The believers righteousness is actually based on Law.
10. T F Law and Grace cooperate in bringing the lost sinner to Jesus Christ.
11. T F The Law does not make us sinners.
12. T F The Law reveals to us that we already are sinners.
13. T F The Law is a mirror in that it reveals our righteousness.
14. T F There is a lawful use of the Law, and an unlawful use of the Law.
15. T F When people claim they are saved by keeping the Ten Commandments, they are revealing their ignorance of the true meaning of the Law.
16. T F The purpose of the Law is not to condemn but to save.
17. T F Forgiveness of sin means nothing to a person who does not know he is sinful.
18. T F It is pointless to preach grace until the impossible demands of the Law, and the reality of guilt before God, are preached.
19. Q. What does it mean to be kept in custody under the law?
20. Q. How does the Law lead us to Christ?
21. T F Since we are no longer living under the Law, we don’t need a tutor.
22. T F Israel could not see the Tutor, only the Teacher.
23. When did the Tutor’s job end?
a. At the birth of Christ.
b. At the death of Christ.
c. At the resurrection of Christ.
d. At the destruction of the temple in 70 A. D.
e. When I became a believer.
f. None of the above.
24. Why is there no further need for a temple in Jerusalem?
a. It was associated with the Tudor.
b. Its purpose was fulfilled.
c. There’s yet a future need for a temple.
d. All of the above
e. a and b
Answers are in comments below.
10 years ago