Monday, November 17, 2008

Why the Providence of God is Critical For Every Believer to Understand

While in Valencia last week we finished the details that must be done after a death in the family. The funeral service was to be held on Saturday, at 1: pm. We got up that morning knowing we had all morning to prepare, pack and drive the 30 minutes to the funeral home in Glendale. But God had other plans that day. A fire had burned all night and Interstate 5 was was closed. We now had to go back to the coast and take 101 to Glendale. It took us over 5 hours to make that drive. Everyone else from Interstate 5 was also on the detour to 101. God altered our plans. We had a choice to panic, or trust God's providence. We called the funeral establishment and told them our predicament. They waited over an hour and we finally arrived. I walked directly from the car to the front and began the funeral service for my uncle in my blue jeans and golf shirt. No one minded. Uncle Bob would have liked it that way.

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